
  • How can you help me as an author?

    We want to create a true partnership approach to promoting your books.

    We are building a supportive network of authors like yourself. We expect every author to publicise themselves and promote their books alongside our own promotional activity, we will create a promotional plan across social media, book blogs, local papers, and to distributors. 

    We will send out a monthly newsletter with events, tips, connections, ideas, and success stories. 

    We will be there to help in every way we can.

  • How are you different to other independent publishers?

    For a start, we care. 

    We want you to have success, we will only be taking on authors that fit our ethos, that want to push their books and will be open to suggestions on how to market it. 

    We strive to be a supportive company; we will not print your book and then forget about it. Every book is special to us and we will do all we can to get it circulating.

  • What are some of the services you will provide?

    We offer a full suite of services for your work if we agree to take it on. 

    We will work with you to manage all aspects of your work and get it ready for sale: Printing, Design, Editing, Formatting and Legal Compliance. 

    Additionally we will work with you on a marketing plan, social media exposure, events, promotions, descriptions for Amazon, and distribution.

  • Why is there a separate submissions portal for UK writers?

    We are a UK based company and can offer different things for those that are in our home country and who we can contact or even visit, we know more about the events happening in the UK, the processes for book publication and distribution and have more experience publishing work produced by those authors living under the same laws as us.

  • Why do you send out three free books to UK authors?

    Most independent publishers only give their authors one copy, but for UK authors publishing a complete novel (not including authors included in our anthologies) we give three with the thought in mind that the author will send the two spare ones to their local library. 

    Libraries need a minimum of two copies for the book to go on their shelves. This creates readers, people who pick up the book and tell others about it. 

    It also gives you a chance to get to know your library staff and find out about space for book signings, events such as Wordfest and the chance to do readings.

    n.b. Only Authors who submit through our UK portal will recieve three free copies of the book.

  • Will you charge me any fees as an author?

    We are not a vanity press. 

    We charge nothing to publish your book. We will provide a cover, formatting, editorial services, distribution, support and help with marketing. 

    We will only charge you for additional copies (we supply UK based authors with three free copies as part of your contract) of your book that you may wish to buy to promote the title, these will be supplied to you at a highly reduced cost. There is no obligation to buy any author copies.

  • What are royalties and what will I be paid?

    Royalties are a percentage of the sales of your books. 

    We pay authors 11% on all books that we sell through our own or other channels (Online or Physical Shops). 

    Most publishers pay around 8% and will go slightly higher if you sell 150,000 books but we want to pay as much as we can to everyone no matter their level of success.

    Note: Any additional books purchased by the author for promotion or events are sold at a lower rate that does not include royalties, but is even lower than if it was only the royalties that were excluded. 

  • Do you pay advances?

    The short answer is no. We are a small company and we can not afford to. But we try to make sure the royalty payments are fair and that books sell.

    Our mission is to allow as many people as possible to see their work in print, this means that we are in a partnership with our authors so if the books sell well then we all benefit. We would rather spend our time in helping them to sell their books instead of chasing authors who have taken an advance and trying to keep them on track.

  • Am I expected, as an author, to do any marketing or promotion?

    In a word, Yes.

    Although we help our authors in every way we can the work doesn't end when the book is written. We ask all our authors to not only promote their own books but to promote our other authors books as well, which is part of our ethos as one big family.

  • My book is way over the 100,000 word count you ask for. What can I do?

    Contact us, the word count limits are just a guideline that ensures we can filter the submissions we receive. if your book does not fit the exact specifications we would still be interested in seeing if we can work together. 

    We may be able to split the book into two or we may be looking for a book just like the book you are writing and wave the word count restriction.

  • Can you really get my book into High Street Stores?

    For UK based authors we can, but it takes work from us and from the author. 

    We work with a number of distributors to UK High Street Stores. They will take a sample copy of a book from a publishers but if the book has no sales and is not what they are looking for they will turn it down. 

    Every book we publish that is performing well, and where the author is working with us to promote it widely, will be recommend to the distribution company.

  • Do you charge a fee if an author signs a contract and then pulls out?

    We would like to not have this as part of our contract but we need to protect ourselves and our investment. 

    This fee is commonly referred to as a kill fee or a 'buy-out'. It is there to discourage those who might take advantage of us by using our company to get work done for free on their novel, (editing, artwork, promoting, etc.) then leave as soon as said work is completed. 

    On signing of a contract, there is an enforced one-year penalty from the date of release for early termination of Three hundred (£300.00) pounds. 

    We would ask that you communicate any concerns either during the first year or thereafter with us as soon as they arise. We take our Mission Statement seriously and pride ourselves on keeping an open line of communication with our authors.

  • I sent in my manuscript and it was rejected, why?

    Firstly, please understand that YOU were not rejected, the manuscript (for now) was. We have a limited amount of resources that we need to use in a way that is good for our new authors as well as for our existing authors, therefore it is sometimes possible that we have to reject submissions that we would at other times have welcomed. 

    There are many reasons your book may not be a good fit for our company at this time.  Was its content something we do not publish? (Check our submission guidelines) Was the word count high enough? Was it full of editing errors that should have been easily identified? (We know when a first draft is sent to us) If it is a matter of editing, fix it then re-submit. Our editors can not write your story for you, but they can help you make it better. 

    If it is a matter of content, do not be discouraged to submit other manuscripts and remember that we may not like something but another publisher could adore it. 

    It is all about our personal preference and never personal towards the writer.

  • How long will it take for you to let me know if my submission is accepted?

    We understand how nerve-wracking it can be to be waiting for news after you have submitted your work, we will, therefore look to give you an answer as soon as we can. 

    Unfortunately, it can be up to three months at the moment but we will be working on everything that has been submitted and will hope to get back to you sooner if possible. 

    If three months go by and we have not replied then please feel free to contact us and check the progress.

  • What is Copyright?

    In the UK copyright is a legal concept that applies to original work giving the creator of the work exclusive rights to control its distribution. Copyright lasts for the life of the author and for a period of 70 years following the author's death, after which the work enters the public domain. There are exceptions where a limited amount of material may be used without permission of the copyright owner. Some of these exceptions are listed below:

    1. For research and private study

    2. For criticism or review

    3. In examinations

    4. For visually impaired people

    This is not an exhaustive list. For further information see the Copyright Designs and Patent Act 1988 or gov.uk.

    Most jurisdictions have similar creative protections but specific legislation may be different. Authors should ensure they are aware of any local specific requirements.

  • When are your offices open?

    In line with current trends that are happening in the market and in consultation with our staff we are currently trialing a 4 day working week to better enable our staff to manage their work/life balance. 

    Therefore our office is currently open from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Thursday allowing our staff to enjoy three day weekends with their families - with no reduction in pay or other benefits. 

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